- ammo (ammunition)
- боеприпасы
English-Russian word-building patterns .
English-Russian word-building patterns .
ammo — (ammunition) am·mo || æməʊ n. projectiles shot from a weapon [bullets, grenades, bomb shells, etc.]; something used to attack … English contemporary dictionary
AMMO (U.S. Air Force) — Ammo is also a commonly used abbreviation for ammunition. The Munitions Systems Specialist career field (AFSC 2W0X1, previously 461X0), commonly referred to as AMMO, is the munitions and weapons branch of the U.S. Air Force.Career Field… … Wikipedia
Ammunition boot — Ammunition boots, also known as Boots, General Service (BGS), were the standard footwear for the British Army from the Victorian Era until the late 1950s. The term Ammunition boots comes from the boots unusual source; they were procured by the… … Wikipedia
Ammunition boots — Ammunition boots, also known as ammo boots, were the standard footwear for the British Army in World War II. They were leather ankle boots with dimpled uppers and sides and a brown leather sole. The boots were the focus of much drill and… … Wikipedia
ammo — (n.) 1917, shortened form of AMMUNITION (Cf. ammunition) … Etymology dictionary
AMMO — can mean * The Munitions Systems Specialist career field, as part of the United States Air Force * Ammunition as fired from projectile weapons, typically guns … Wikipedia
ammo — ► NOUN informal ▪ ammunition … English terms dictionary
ammo — [am′ō] n. Slang ammunition … English World dictionary
ammunition — [n] projectiles for weaponry ammo*, armament, ball, bomb, buckshot, bullet, cannonball, cartridge, charge, chemical, confetti*, explosive, fuse, grenade, gunpowder, iron rations*, materiel, missile, munition, napalm, powder, rocket, round, shell … New thesaurus
Ammo — ammunition … Dictionary of Australian slang
ammo — Ammunition. Abbr … A concise dictionary of English slang